Anorexia Nervosa

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Focused Ultrasound Therapy

Focused ultrasound is a noninvasive, therapeutic technology with the potential to improve the quality of life and decrease the cost of care for patients with anorexia. This novel technology focuses beams of ultrasound energy precisely and accurately on targets deep in the brain, known be involved in anorexia, without damaging surrounding normal tissue.

How it Works
Where the beams converge, focused ultrasound produces several therapeutic effects that are being evaluated: precise ablation (thermal destruction of tissue) and neuromodulation (altering the effects of neural impulses). Though still in the very early stages of development, for certain patients, these focused ultrasound techniques have potential to provide a noninvasive and more effective treatment for anorexia.


  • Focused ultrasound can reach the desired target without damaging surrounding tissue.
  • As many patients are young, the noninvasive approach of focused ultrasound is an attractive feature.
  • It can be repeated, if necessary.

Clinical Trials

At the present time, there are no clinical trials recruiting patients for focused ultrasound treatment for anorexia.

Regulatory Approval and Reimbursement 

Focused ultrasound treatment for anorexia is not yet approved by regulatory bodies or covered by medical insurance companies.

Notable Papers

The Focused Ultrasound Foundation Psychiatric Workshop Summary, October, 2017

Click here for additional references from PubMed.

Early Stage