Webinar on Accessing Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program Grants


On September 22, the Foundation teamed up with G2G Consulting to bring the focused ultrasound community an interactive webinar on the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP). CDMRP receives annual appropriations from Congress to fund high-impact innovative medical research in targeted areas and currently manages 36 research programs with a 2021 budget of $1.5 billion. Since its inception in 1992, the program has funded $19.4 billion in research grants across a wide range of diseases and conditions and looks to advance innovative, high-impact, breakthrough technologies that can improve patient care for our military service members.

CDMRP funds grants through Program Announcements and Broad Agency Announcements. Focus areas vary from year to year, but often address topics relevant to focused ultrasound such as depression, Alzheimer’s disease, addiction, pain management and various cancers. Dr. Christie Vu, CDMRP Program Manager, explained that applications are reviewed using a two-tier process, to award funds to projects that both demonstrate the most meritorious science and offer the highest promise to fulfill the programmatic goals set forth in the funding opportunity. Dr. Vu clarified that non-US citizens are eligible for these grants, and shared her tips for success throughout the process:

  1. Address the program specific goals in the funding opportunity
  2. Address an important problem with feasible, technically sound plan
  3. Ensure your project is innovative and fills an identified gap
  4. Plan ahead to ensure time for applicable approvals, multi-site coordination and agreements
  5. Communicate effectively throughout the review process
  6. Meet all requirements and deadlines

We hope the webinar was helpful for those who were able to join us! If you missed the webinar and have any questions about CDMRP or its funding opportunities, please reach out to Jessica Foley (jfoley@fusfoundation.org). Please also keep us apprised about how you utilize CDMRP funding for your focused ultrasound research projects. We understand that some of you have been contacted to serve as reviewers for CDMRP funding opportunities. We hope you will say yes to these opportunities to continue to broaden federal exposure to focused ultrasound technology and ensure that more projects get funding through this very promising funding program.


Rebecca Fisher, PhD
Deputy Director for Program Management,
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs,
Department of Defense

B. Christie Vu, PhD
Program Manager,
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs,
Department of Defense