2019 Summer Intern Report: Juliette Strubel


The University of Exeter, Class of 2022, Neuroscience

London, England

A Summary of the Focused Ultrasound Thermal Ablation Target Zones in the Brain

Project Goal
My goals were to learn more about the technology of focused ultrasound, specifically the mechanism of thermal ablation, and to learn various anatomic targets. I created a graphic representation to summarize the data, and it will be used for education and awareness.

Why were you initially interested in working with the Foundation?
I found the noninvasiveness of the focused ultrasound technology extraordinary, and it motivated me to learn as much as I could about the technology and how it is used in the brain with minimal side effects.

Share some thoughts on your experience as an intern at the Foundation.
I found my experience at the Foundation very inspiring and encouraging for my future studies in neuroscience, especially the opportunity to explore the subject of neuroanatomy, which confirmed and enhanced my interest in the field. I am also extremely grateful to have met my mentor, Dr. Suzanne LeBlang, as well as many other inspirational people who influenced my work.

How has your internship affected your career plans?
After having the opportunity to attend an immunotherapy conference, I discovered the invaluable presence of focused ultrasound in the field of immunotherapy. As a result, I am now considering a potential career path in neuroimmunology.

What are your upcoming plans? What is your dream job?
I will be starting my first year of neuroscience, leading to a possible neuroimmunology career. Although I am certain of my passion for neuroscience, I have yet to discover a particular job title. Through further communication with experts I admire, I hope to soon discover my specific role in the field.