September 2019 Research Roundup


Research Roundup 2019 sm

Sacroiliac Joint Ablation Using MR-HIFU

The sacroiliac (SI) joint is a common site for chronic low back pain. In this case report, a Swiss team used the Profound Sonalleve MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) system in an outpatient procedure to successfully ablate posterior sensory nerves in a patient with SI joint pain. After the patient did not respond to standard therapy, the team ablated several branches of the ramus dorsalis nerves from L5 to S3 under spinal anesthesia, and the pain completely resolved after one month with no complications.

See CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology >

Short-term Efficacy and Safety of MR-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery for Analgesia in Children with Metastatic Bone Tumors

Researchers in Jinan, China (Shandong Province), sought to determine whether focused ultrasound could safely and effectively provide analgesia for patients with pediatric metastatic bone tumors. They enrolled 30 children in the study and measured pain reduction and quality of life before and after treatment. Physical function, cognitive function, nausea/vomiting, and degree of pain up to three months after surgery were safely and significantly decreased while reducing the amount of pain medication needed.

See Oncology Letters >