NCI Funding Available for FUS-related Research


Keyvan Farahani, Ph.D., of the Cancer Imaging Program at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) reports that funding is available through four research initiatives in image-guided cancer interventions. For further information email Dr. Farahani at .

PA-09-253: Image-Guided Drug Delivery in Cancer (R01)

This initiative encourages innovative translational research in the development of quantitative in vivo imaging characterization of image-guided drug delivery (IGDD) in cancer, including characterizations of the target, delivery validation, and therapy response. It will support research in development of integrated imaging-based platforms for multifunctional and multiplexed drug delivery systems in cancer.

Validation studies in non-human primates or large animal models and first in human studies directed towards translation of IGDD technology into the clinic will be considered appropriate for this initiative.

PAR-08-147: Quick-Trials for Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions: Exploratory Grants (R21)*

The goal of this initiative is to support clinical trials conducting preliminary evaluation of the safety and efficacy of imaging agents, as well as an assessment of imaging systems, image processing, image-guided therapy, contrast kinetic modeling, and 3-D reconstruction and other quantitative tools. The rapid translation of promising discoveries in the fields of imaging probes, methodologies, technologies and image-guided therapies to clinical practice requires timely support. This FOA will provide investigators with support for either pilot (Phase I and II) cancer clinical trials, or patient monitoring and laboratory studies.

*This funding opportunity, due to expire on 4/11/2011, will be followed with a similar initiative.

PAR-10-169: Academic-Industrial Partnerships for Development and Validation of In Vivo Imaging Systems and Methods for Cancer Investigations (R01)

This funding initiative encourages applications from research partnerships formed by academic and industrial investigators to accelerate the translation of either animal or human in vivo imaging, image guided, and/or spectroscopic systems and methods designed to solve targeted cancer problems for cancer research, clinical trials, and/or clinical practice. The partners on each application will establish an inter-disciplinary, multi-institutional research team to work in a strategic alliance to implement a coherent strategy to develop and translate the proposed system or methods with potential for significant impact on preclinical, single, or multisite clinical studies. Partnerships must include at least one lead academic and one lead industrial organization large or small among their numbers. For either preclinical or clinical research, funding may be requested for limited additional copies of prototype systems and methods in order to optimize and validate them across different platforms and/or research sites. Each partnership is encouraged to plan to solve its choice of targeted cancer problem within the five-year funding period. This initiative supports clinical trials that emphasize optimization and validation of the performance of imaging systems, including devices, agents and/or methods. It will not support commercial production.

PA-10-080 and PA-10-079: Image-Guided Cancer Interventions

STTR [R41/R42]

SBIR [R43/R44]

These small business-related funding initiatives support the development and clinical validation of systems for image-guided interventions (IGIs) for cancer. Specifically, the goals of this program are to provide support for: the development and optimization of fully integrated cancer imaging, monitoring, and therapy systems; the validation of integrated IGI systems through clinical evaluations; the development of multiple prototype integrated IGI systems as required for multisite clinical evaluations; and partnerships among small business, large business, and academic clinical centers, as well as small business joint ventures, in order to reach the research goals.