Tractography Workshop White Paper Now Available


FUSF Tractography workshop coverIn August 2019, with the assistance of Ohio State University Professor of Neurological Surgery Vibhor Krishna, MBBS, the Foundation hosted an advanced imaging workshop to explore the use of tractography as a technique for focused ultrasound target visualization and treatment planning.

The content of this technical workshop has been captured in a white paper that is now available on our website. This document highlights the state of the field of tractography, current opinion on the utility of tractography for transcranial focused ultrasound ablation, and provides acquisition protocols from expert institutions.

“We convened clinicians and brain imaging experts to share their innovative efforts in this area,” said John Snell, PhD, the Foundation’s Brain Program Technical Director. “There was consensus that tractography is an emerging technique that has the potential to provide precision medicine – or individualized treatment – for focused ultrasound patients. We look forward to continued collaboration with the community in this area.”

As reported after the two-day meeting, approximately 40 imaging experts and focused ultrasound scientists met in Charlottesville, Virginia, to explore the basics of tractography (methodology and limitations), how it is currently being used, and how it might improve or enhance brain targeting for focused ultrasound treatments.

“This workshop established that tractography has the potential to improve intracranial targeting and patient outcomes,” said Lauren Powlovich, MD, the Foundation’s Director of Special Projects. “Next steps should include the expanded use of tractography in order to gather more data. We are hopeful that in the sharing of the commonly used protocols, more institutions will begin to use this advanced imaging technique.”

Researchers and clinicians who are interested in tractography studies, collaborations, or future events should contact Dr. Snell.