2023 Summer Intern Report: Naomi Fuller


Georgia Institute of Technology, Class of 2025

3D Acoustic Lens

Project Overview 
The overall goal was to create a 3D acoustic lens that allows a single-element transducer to produce a diffused focus. The project included modifying the 2D simulations to 3D, then changing the code to run on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) rather than the Central Processing Unit (CPU) for increased speed. Finally, we created Standard Template Library (STL) code to convert the lens created in the third simulation to an STL file and debugged our code to correct spike issues before printing the lens. 

Project Outcomes 
The results from the simulations in MATLAB – a computing platform used analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models – and hydrophone scans did not have the outcome we expected with the lens. The hydrophone scan showed the ring target area, which was our goal, but the target area was not diffused. Our scan was even more focused and did not expand, which was our intended goal. 

Describe your experience as an intern. 
I felt welcome at the Foundation. Everybody treated me with respect and appreciated the skills I brought to this internship. I liked how we were practically thrown into the deep end by doing actual work related to the Foundation’s goal, and not doing grunt work, like most internships. I have made friends and looked forward to coming to work every day.  

I really enjoyed and looked forward to the group activities (like Friday lunches) because it was great to see that companies can be friendly and close. The Foundation debunks all the stereotypes we hear in school about what an office job is like. I really enjoyed how we worked on actual projects to help the goals of the company. For example, the platform I used to 3D print the gel to stay in place in the hydrophone tank was used at the American Association of Physicists in Medicine conference in Houston for demonstrations. I was surprised and grateful that the projects we were working on would be presented on behalf of the Foundation. Our hard work was appreciated; we were not just interns doing busy work.  

I also enjoyed working with Jeff Aubry, PhD, and meeting his daughter, Rozenn. They were amazing and brought a new perspective to the intern room. He taught me diverse ways to resolve resolution problems, and I gained more knowledge about MATLAB in general. 

How will your accomplishments impact the field of focused ultrasound? 
We provided a guide for using lens design with 3D simulations to achieve the goal of a diffused acoustic focus. Using a lens is a cheaper and easier way to produce treatment devices and care. 

Has your internship affected your career plans? 
Before, I was solely focused on prosthetics, but now I realize how much more I can do with 3D printing within the medical field and not just doing research. This internship showed me more hands-on opportunities within the medical field. 

What is one tip that you would give 2024 summer interns? 
Do not be afraid to learn something new, even if it is difficult. Do not be worried if you do not know how to do a task; you would not be here if they did not think you could find a way to figure it out or even ask for help.