University of Virginia, Class of 2021, Computer Science and Math
Hometown: Chantilly, Virginia
Syncing Salesforce with Editorial Manager
Project Goal
There is an external service called Editorial Manager where we store our manuscripts. Currently information is manually inserted, but the goal is to automatically synchronize it.
Why were you initially interested in working for the Foundation?
I got a chance to work on a large database for another organization that was attempting to bring innovation to medicine. I’ve always been interested in chronic illnesses and alternative, less invasive means of treating them.
Share some thoughts on your experience as an intern at the Foundation.
I really enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and the fun nature of the meetings.
How has your internship affected your career plans?
It makes me more focused on a career in computer science or software engineering. I developed new coding experiences with this internship.
What are your upcoming plans? What is your dream job?
I would like to be doing software engineering or data science in a biomedical company – anything where I can be my own boss.