2019 Summer Intern Report: Kate Dieterle


Kate DieterleBackground
Gunston High School, Class of 2020, Biochemistry

Hometown: Centreville, Virginia

Analysis of immune cell counts in mice after focused ultrasound treatments

Project Goal
Using R coding script to compute p-value tables and box plots of t-cell and myeloid cell counts in different organs after focused ultrasound application.

Why were you initially interested in working for the Foundation?
I wanted to participate in a medical-related internship.

Share some thoughts on your experience as a Foundation intern.
I have truly learned so much while I was here. Also, everybody is really nice and welcoming!

How has your internship affected your career plans?
I’m more interested in research than I was before.

What are your upcoming plans? What is your dream job?
I am entering into my senior year of high school this year and in five years I will have graduated from college and hopefully be accepted into medical school. Probably an anesthesiologist, cardiologist, or radiologist.