University of Virginia, Class of 2025
Assembly of Hydrophone Tanks
Project Overview
My project involved building four affordable and functional hydrophone scanning tank systems and distributing them to external focused ultrasound sites. Commercial hydrophone tanks can cost over $80,000, which may present a cost barrier to sites interested in conducting focused ultrasound research. However, the tank developed at the Foundation costs only between $2,000 to $4,000, making it a great alternative to commercial tanks.
Project Outcomes
We successfully built, tested, optimized, and shipped four hydrophone scanning tanks to their respective sites.
Why were you initially interested in working with the Foundation?
I was interested in focused ultrasound as a technology. As I delved deeper into research and learned about the profound significance and life-saving potential of this technology, I became convinced that joining the Foundation was a must. Being a part of this organization enabled me to make a meaningful contribution toward achieving the goal of saving lives through focused ultrasound.
Describe your experience as an intern.
My time as an intern was absolutely amazing! Throughout the internship, I had the opportunity to delve deeply into the world of focused ultrasound and witness its remarkable effectiveness and versatility. I am thrilled to have successfully completed my project, which I believe will have a significant impact on focused ultrasound research. Working alongside such talented fellow interns was an absolute pleasure, and I cannot praise my mentors enough for their invaluable support and guidance throughout the entire project.
Did you complete your work at the Foundation’s offices or virtually? How do you think your location impacted your experience?
I completed my work at the Foundation’s office, and it was a truly enriching experience. The location itself played a significant role in shaping my journey, because it allowed me to connect with experts in the focused ultrasound field. Being part of the Foundation’s community provided me with a sense of engagement and involvement, and I was inspired by the strong network they have built in this cutting-edge field.
How will your accomplishments impact the field of focused ultrasound?
My accomplishments will undoubtedly facilitate progress in the focused ultrasound field for start-ups and research labs. By providing affordable hydrophone tanks through my project, we eliminated the cost barrier that previously hindered research endeavors. With these accessible resources, focused ultrasound initiatives can now thrive and propel the field forward.
Has your internship affected your career plans?
My internship has been a transformative experience, further fueling my passion for a career in the biotech field. I am eager to delve deeper into this fascinating area of study, and my excitement to continue learning about focused ultrasound is boundless. I hope to explore its applications further and envision it playing a significant role in shaping my future career.
What is one tip that you would give 2024 summer interns?
Never hesitate to ask questions. Embrace every opportunity to learn more about this revolutionary technology. The more questions you ask, the deeper your understanding will grow. Don’t hold back; seek knowledge and make the most of this remarkable learning experience!