A complicated process like using focused ultrasound plus microbubbles to modulate the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is not easy to describe. Now, with the availability of advanced digital tools and technologies, the biomedical visualization field is allowing talented young artists with an interest in medicine and an understanding of cellular and molecular biology in addition to anatomy to develop new visual communication tools to help scientists graphically share their discoveries.
Because of Dr. Isabelle Aubert’s work delivering antibodies across the BBB, we met Hang Yu Lin, who recently completed the Master of Science in Biomedical Communication (MScBMC) program at the University of Toronto. Hang’s master’s research project was a 3D animation explaining the use of focused ultrasound and microbubbles to transiently increase the permeability of the BBB, and Dr. Aubert was a member of her MScBMC advisory committee. Congratulations to Hang on this impressive work, and on her new professional position at INVIVO Communications!