Meeting Report: Society of Interventional Oncology (SIO) 2023


Key Points

  • The SIO 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting was held January 19–23 in Washington, DC. 
  • Bradford Wood, MD, chief of interventional radiology at the NIH Clinical Center and Founding Director of the NIH Center for Interventional Oncology (NCI, CC, and NIBIB), co-moderated three sessions of the early career program. 
  • Histosonics made an impact with three posters and a technology session presentation. 

The Society of Interventional Oncology (SIO) 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting was held January 19–23 in Washington, DC, and attended by more than 600 cancer physicians, scientists, students, and industry professionals. As a nonprofit association, SIO supports and promotes the field of interventional oncology by connecting and engaging IO professionals in a common community, offering professional development opportunities, and providing access to advocacy and research. Among the important roles of SIO is to introduce and elucidate novel paradigms and technologies to both the student and practitioner alike. 

Bradford Wood, MD, chief of interventional radiology at the NIH Clinical Center, director of oncology at the NIH Center for Interventional Oncology (NCI, NIBIB, and CC), and an SIO Research Committee member, attended and presented at this year’s meeting. Dr. Wood co-moderated three sessions of the IO Essentials Program, which is the premier event for early career interventional oncologists. He helped coordinate and moderate the “Women & Under-Represented Minorities in IO” session, which highlighted in tangible ways the importance of expanding the breadth and balanced representation in the disciplines of interventional radiology and IO for the health of the field. 

Histotripsy, a mechanism of focused ultrasound that induces mechanical ablation of tissue, made an impact at SIO with three posters and a technology session presentation. Joseph Amaral, MD, Vice President of Medical and Clinical Affairs with Histosonics, co-moderated Monday’s Technology session, which included a presentation on histotripsy by Timothy Ziemlewicz, MD, from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. 

Dr. Amaral commented, “The research presented at SIO is indicative of the great translational work between multiple universities and Histosonics to advance the understanding of histotripsy for future clinical use, and we continue to learn a tremendous amount from our partners.” Regarding the potential breadth of histotripsy applications, Suzanne LeBlang, MD, the Foundation’s Director of Clinical Relationships said, “Histotripsy is being investigated as a tool to treat various tumors in the liver, kidney, prostate, bone, and soft tissues. Numerous studies are also evaluating the ability of focused ultrasound, using thermal ablation or histotripsy, to induce an immunomodulatory effect and enhance the ability of the body’s own immune system to detect and attack cancer.” 

Histosonics’ posters are listed below: 

  • At the Friday Expo Hall Networking & Oral Poster Presentations session, Meredith Kisting, MA, from the University of Wisconsin, presented “Safety and Efficacy of Histotripsy Delivery Through Overlying Gas-Filled Bowel in an Ex Vivo Swine Model.” 
  • At the Sunday Expo Hall Networking & Oral Poster Presentations session, Katrina Falk, MS, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, presented “Targeting for Transcostal Histotripsy: Effect of Intervening Ribs on the Location of Cavitation.” 

SIO 2024 will be held January 25–29 in Long Beach, California. 

See the Meeting Website