Meeting Report: International Bubble Conference 2022


The 37th Advances in Contrast Ultrasound International Bubble Conference took place from August 31 through September 2, 2022, in Chicago.

Touted as “the world’s premier meeting dedicated to the science, research, and practice of cross-specialty contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS),” its two-day agenda included worldwide uses, clinical studies, sonothrombolysis, educational outreach, advanced applications, and expert case presentations. The meeting audience includes clinicians, physiologists, engineers, and scientists working in the fields of cardiology, radiology, vascular medicine, gynecology, gastroenterology, and body imaging.

Representing the focused ultrasound community, Kullervo Hynynen, PhD, from Sunnybrook Research Institute and the University of Toronto, presented “Brain Cancer Therapy,” and John Eisenbrey, PhD, from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, presented “Microbubble Cavitation Augmentation of Radiotherapy.” Both were members of the meeting’s impressive list of faculty.

“The 37th annual bubble conference provided an excellent showcase of emerging therapeutic ultrasound-based technologies,” said Dr. Eisenbrey. “It was encouraging to see the wide variety of microbubble-based focused ultrasound therapies now in clinical trials including augmentation of chemotherapy in patients with pancreatic cancer,  opening of the blood-brain barrier for the treatment of brain cancers, and sonothrombolysis for the treatment of myocardial infarction.”