Meeting Report: 2020 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium


IEEE IUS 2020 logoThe IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) took place virtually September 6–11, 2020. The international group of more than 1,900 ultrasound experts and researchers watched live lectures and prerecorded abstract presentations, attended interactive poster sessions, and enrolled in a wide variety of virtual webinars and workshops.

Focused ultrasound and therapeutic ultrasound were featured in approximately 60 technical, preclinical, and clinical presentations, as listed below. All presentations can be found by searching the meeting’s 96-page Final Program.

“Importantly, two premier clinical studies were presented at the meeting,” said Frédéric Padilla, PhD, the Foundation’s Director of Applied Physics Research. “Sunnybrook and the University of Toronto presented results from their clinical study using a novel method of microbubble echo-focusing for transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy for essential tremor (see abstract 1002), and Cardiawave presented their Phase 1 study on the safety of focused ultrasound therapy for calcified aortic stenosis (see abstract 1122).”

The Focused Ultrasound Foundation once again sponsored IEEE IUS and provided a booth in the virtual exhibit hall throughout the conference. Furthermore, Matt Eames, PhD, participated in a grant application workshop, presenting information about each of the Foundation’s funding programs. At the funding workshop, Dr. Eames was joined by program directors from the National Institute of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), and American Cancer Society, each of whom provided an update on their institutions and currently funded work as well as guidance on their respective funding opportunities and application processes. Each speaker gave a 15-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute Q&A session.

Focused Ultrasound Presentations

Webinar: New Turnkey Preclinical Research Platforms for 3D Ultrasound-Guided Focused Ultrasound (USgFUS): HIFUPlexTM PLUS 1000 for Small Subjects and HIFUPlex™ PLUS 3000 for Large Subjects by Peter Kaczkowski, Ph.D., Sr. Scientist, Verasonics, Inc. & Kyle Morrison, President, Sonic Concepts, Inc.

Grant Workshop: Introduction: Zhen Xu, University of Michigan. Presenters: Houston Baker, Ph.D., Program Director, Imaging Technology Development Branch, Cancer Imaging Program, National Cancer Institute, NIH; Ruyan Guo, Ph.D., Program Director, EPMD, ENG/ECCS, NSF; Lynne Elmore, Ph.D., Scientific Director, Translational Cancer Research, American Cancer Society; Matt Eames, Ph.D., Director of Extramural Research, Focused Ultrasound Foundation.

Focused Ultrasound Abstracts

1002: Echo-Focusing in Transcranial MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy for Essential Tremor: A Feasibility Study by Ryan Jones{2}, Yuexi Huang{2}, Ying Meng{1}, Nadia Scantlebury{1}, Michael Schwartz{1}, Nir Lipsman{2}, and Kullervo Hynynen{3}. {1} Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canada; {2} Sunnybrook Research Institute, Canada; {3} Sunnybrook Research Institute/University of Toronto, Canada.

1035: Modified Passive Acoustic Mapping with Diagnostic-Array Angular Response for Cavitation Monitoring During HIFU Ablation in Ex Vivo Tissue by Chunqi Li{1}, Harry Clegg{1}, Thomas Carpenter{1}, Luzhen Nie{1}, Steven Freear{1}, David Cowell{1}, and James McLaughlan{2}. {1} University of Leeds, United Kingdom; {2} University of Leeds/Leeds Institute of Medical Research, United Kingdom.

1088: Noninvasive Ultrasonic Drug Uncaging for Brain Applications by Raag Airan; Stanford University, United States.

1089: Bringing Transcranial Focused Ultrasound into Focus by Kim Butts Pauly; Stanford University, United States.

1097: Clinical Phase I/Phase II Study Using LoFU in Addition to Stem Cells in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease by Narendra Sanghvi{3}, Mark Carol{3}, Roy Carlson{3}, Ralf Seip{3}, Joseph Frank{2}, Wilson Wong{1}, and Bruce Murphy{1}. {1} Arkansas Heart Hospital, United States; {2} National Institute of Health, United States; {3} SonaCare Medical, LLC, United States.

1120: Chronic Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Enhances Memory in an Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model by Xiaowei Huang, Lili Niu, Long Meng, Zhengrong Lin, Wei Zhou, and Hairong Zheng; Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

1122: Non-Invasive Focused Ultrasound Therapy of Calcified Aortic Stenosis: First-In-Man Study by Mathieu Pernot{4}, Mathieu Cyril Rémond{2}, Robin Penot{2}, Daniel Suarez{2}, Giuillaume Goudot{3}, Wojciech Kwiecinski{2}, Michael Vion{2}, Fabienne Betting{2}, Aurélien Corbel{2}, Ana Fouquier{2}, Eric Noël{2}, Zahir Larabi{2}, and Alexander Ijsselmuiden{1}. {1} Amphia Hospital, Netherlands; {2} Cardiawave SA, France; {3} Hopital Européen Georges Pompidou, France; {4} Physics for Medicine Paris, INSERM U1273, ESPCI Paris, PSL University, CNRS FRE 2031, France.

1124: Laryngoscope-Mounted HIFU Transducer for Visually Guided Oral Cavity Therapies by Ralf Seip{2}, Yosef Krespi{1}, Ron Hadani{3}, Adam Morris{2}, Joshua Huff{2}, and Mark Carol{2}. {1} Northwell, United States; {2} SonaCare Medical, LLC, United States; {3} Valam, United States.

1129: A 2-D Wearable Array for Awake Ultrasonic Drug Uncaging in Rats by Tommaso Di Ianni{2}, Brenda Yu{2}, Muna Aryal{2}, Praveen Pallegar{2}, Kyle Morrison{1}, and Raag Airan{2}. {1} Sonic Concepts, Inc., United States; {2} Stanford University, United States.

1131: FUS-Induced Median Nerve Stimulation Alters Thermal Pain Sensation in Humans by Stephen Lee, Hermes Kamimura, and Elisa Konofagou; Columbia University, United States.

1165: Real-Time Visualization of a Focused Ultrasound Beam Using Ultrasonic Backscatter for Monitoring of Mechanical-Based Therapies by Miles Thies and Michael Oelze; University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, United States.

1175: Enhanced Sonodynamic Therapy on Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Using Sub-10nm Phthalocyanine-Conjugated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles by Nisi Zhang{1}, Yunnxue Xu{1}, Yiming Zhou{1}, Hong Chen{1}, Xiaolong Liang{2}, and Zhifei Dai{1}. {1} Peking University, China; {2} Peking University Third Hospital, China.

1267: Comparison of Rapid Short-Pulse to Long Burst Sequences for Focused Ultrasound and Microbubble-Mediated Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability Enhancement by Dallan McMahon{1}, Lulu Deng{1}, and Kullervo Hynynen{2}. {1} Sunnybrook Research Institute, Canada; {2} Sunnybrook Research Institute/University of Toronto, Canada.

1337: Focused Ultrasound-Augmented Delivery of Nanoparticle for CRISPR Interference System–Mediated Glioma Treatment by Yan Li{2}, Pengying Wu{2}, Mingting Zhu{2}, Meiling Liang{2}, Yujin Zong{2}, Ayache Bouakaz{1}, and Mingxi Wan{2}. {1} iBrain, Université de Tours, Inserm, France; {2} Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.

1350: New Focused Ultrasound Protocol to Enhance the Blood-Brain Barrier/Blood-Tumor Barrier Permeability and Doxorubicin Delivery into the Rat Brain by Byeongjin Jung, Hyungkyu Huh, Eun-Hee Lee, Juyoung Park, and Daegu Gyeongbuk; Medical Innovation Foundation, Korea.

1413: Intra-Operative HIFU Treatment at the HepatoCaval Confluence of the Liver in an in Vivo Porcine Model by Sophie Cambronero, Aurélien Dupre, Yao Chen, Michel Rivoire, and David Melodelima; LabTAU, INSERM, Centre Léon Bérard, Université Lyon 1, Université de Lyon, France.

1437: Rapid Phase Correction Methods for Focused Ultrasound in the Vertebral Canal by David Martin{2}, Meaghan O’Reilly{1}. {1} Sunnybrook Research Institute/University of Toronto, Canada; {2} University of Toronto, Canada.

1469: Controlled Release of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) Using Therapeutic Ultrasound Enhances Angiogenesis and Reperfusion in Ischemic Muscle by Hai Jin{2}, Carole Quesada{2}, Leidan Huang{3}, Mitra Aliabouzar{2}, Aniket Jivani{2}, Oliver Kripfgans{2}, J. Brian Fowlkes{2}, Renny Franceschi{2}, Jianhua Liu{1}, Andrew Putnam{2}, and Mario Fabiilli{2}. {1} South China University of Technology, China; {2} University of Michigan, United States; {3} University of Michigan, United States.

1474: Spatially-Directed Cell Migration in Acoustically-Responsive Scaffolds (ARSs) via the Controlled Delivery of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) by Xiaofang Lu{1}, Hai Jin{1}, Carole Quesada{1}, Leidan Huang{2}, Mitra Aliabouzar{1}, Oliver Kripfgans{1}, J. Brian Fowlkes{1}, Renny Franceschi{1}, Andrew Putnam{1}, and Mario Fabiilli{1}. {1} University of Michigan, United States; {2} University of Michigan, United States.

1487: Characterize Brain Tumor Genetic Signatures with Focused Ultrasound–Enabled Liquid Biopsy (FUSLBx) by Christopher Pacia, Lifei Zhu, Jinyun Yuan, Yimei Yue, and Hong Chen; Washington University in St. Louis, United States.

1519: Temporal Stability of Therapeutic Microbubbles by Antonios Pouliopoulos, Daniella Jimenez, Alexander Frank, Alexander Robertson, Lin Zhang, Alina Kline Schoder, Vividha Bhaskar, Mitra Harpale, Elizabeth Caso, and Elisa Konofagou; Columbia University, United States.

1540: Sequential Release of Two Pro-Angiogenic Growth Factors from Acoustically-Responsive Scaffolds Using Standing Wave Assisted Acoustic Droplet Vaporization by Mitra Aliabouzar, Aniket Jivani, Xiaofang Lu, Oliver Kripfgans, Brian Fowlkes, and Mario Fabiilli; University of Michigan, United States.

1559: Ultrasound Stimulation Suppresses Microglial Activity in an MPTP Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease by Hui Zhou, Lili Niu, Long Meng, Na Pang, Xiaowei Huang, and Hairong Zheng; Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

1591: Analysis of Translational Motion of Microbubbles in a Simulated Lymph Channel Under Exposure of 15-MHz Focused Ultrasound by Kenji Yoshida, Masaaki Omura, and Tadashi Yamaguchi; Chiba University, Japan.

1623: Microelectrode Array (MEA) Measurements of Focused Ultrasound (FUS)-Induced Neural Responses in Ex Vivo Acute Hippocampal Brain Slices by Ivan Suarez Castellanos{2}, Elena Dossi{1}, Jeremy VionBailly{2}, Jean-Yves Chapelon{2}, Alexandre Carpentier{3}, Gilles Huberfeld{4}, and Apoutou N’Djin{2}. {1} Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology/CIRB -CNRS UMR 7241/INSERM U1050, France; {2} INSERM U1032/LabTAU, France; {3} Research Laboratory on Advanced Surgical Technologies, La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France; {4} Sorbonne Université, AP-HP, La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, France.

1632: Detection of HIFU Lesions in Ex-Vivo Cardiac Tissues Using Passive Elastography by Jade Robert{2}, Elodie Cao{2}, Louis Reynouard{2}, Bruno Giammarinaro{2}, Francis Bessière{2}, Stefan Catheline{1}, and Cyril Lafon{2}. {1} INSERM Labtau, University of Lyon, France; {2} INSERM U1032/LabTAU, France.

1633: Design of a Transesophageal Ultrasound-Guided HIFU Probe to Treat Ventricular Arrhythmias
by Elodie Cao, Jade Robert, Francis Bessière, and Cyril Lafon; INSERM U1032/LabTAU, France.

1778: Photo-Mediated Ultrasound Therapy for the Treatment of Corneal Neovascularization in Rabbit Eyes by Yu Qin{4}, Yixin Yu{1}, Julia Fu{4}, Xinyi Xie{2}, Tao Wang{4}, Yannis Paulus{4}, Xueding Wang{4}, and Xinmai Yang{3}. {1} University of Michigan, United States; {2} Nanjing Medical University, China; {3} University of Kansas, United States; {4} University of Michigan, United States.

1799: Simulation and Construction of a High Power Phased-Array Transducer System for the Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis by Maryam Dadgar{2}, Kullervo Hynynen{1}. {1} Sunnybrook Research Institute/University of Toronto, Canada; {2} University of Toronto, Canada.

1807: Enhancing Thermal Ablation of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound with Phase Shift Nanodroplets and Multi-Focus Ablation Patterns by Aparna Singh{3}, Gloria Nyankima{1}, Marshal Anthony Phipps{3}, Vandiver Chaplin{3}, Paul Dayton{2}, and Charles Caskey{4}. {1} North Carolina State University/North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States; {2} North Carolina State University/University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States; {3} Vanderbilt University, United States; {4} Vanderbilt University/Vanderbilt University Medical Center, United States.

1836: Non-Intrusive Mapping of HIFU-Affected Region in Water Using Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry (RSD) by Pragya Gupta{1} and Atul Srivastava{2}. {1} IITB-Monash Research Academy/Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India; {2} Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.

1868: Characterization of Focused Ultrasound–Mediated Brainstem Delivery of Intranasal Administered Agents by Dezhuang Ye{1}, Jingyi Luan{1}, Hannah Pang{1}, Yaoheng Yang{1}, Arash Nazeri{2}, Joshua B. Rubin{2}, and Hong Chen{1}. {1} Washington University in St. Louis, United States; {2} Washington University School of Medicine, United States.

1885: Dual-Mode CMUT Probe for Endocavitary Ultrasound-Guided HIFU Therapy by Alice Ganeau{3}, Ivan M. Suarez Castellanos{3}, Loïc Daunizeau{3}, Françoise Chavrier{3}, Tony Matéo{4}, Nicolas Guillen{1}, Nicolas Sénégond{4}, Jean-Yves Chapelon{2}, and W. Apoutou N’Djin{3}. {1} EDAP TMS, France; {2} INSERM U1032/LabTAU, France; {3} INSERM, Bérard, Université de Lyon, France; {4} Vermon SA, France.

1886: Comparison Between Mechanical and Mechanical-Thermal Effect of Ultrasound Neuromodulation by Hongchae Baek, Christopher Pacia, Yaoheng Yang, Lu Xu, Yimei Yue, and Hong Chen; Washington University in St. Louis, United States.

1938: Real-Time Monitoring of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Blood Brain Barrier Opening by Simon Blais{1}, Jonathan Porée{1}, Gerardo Ramos{2}, Samuel Desmarais{1}, Abbas Sadikot{2}, and Jean Provost{1}. {1} École Polytechnique Montréal, Canada; {2} Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada.

1991: Recent Advances in the Application of Focused Ultrasound for the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer by Joo Ha Hwang; Stanford University, United States.

2010: Experimental Investigation of Relationship Between Coagulation Size and Estimated Distribution of HIFU Heat Source from Displacement Distribution by Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging by Hiroki Yabata, Shin-Ichiro Umemura, and Shin Yoshizawa; Tohoku University, Japan.

2023: Improving Spatial Resolution of Cavitation Dose Mapping for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Therapy by Combining Ultrafast Interframe Cavitation Image and Passive Acoustic Mapping by Bowen Jing and Brooks Lindsey; Georgia Institute of Technology, United States.

2025: Noninvasive Focused Ultrasonic Glymphatic Control Improves Intrathecal Drug Delivery by Muna Aryal, Quan Zhou, Eben Rosenthal, and Raag Airan; Stanford University, United States.

2032: Modelling of Laser-Generated Focused Ultrasound Transducers for Interventional Therapeutic Applications by Esra Aytac Kipergil, Adrien Desjardins, Bradley Treeby, and Erwin Alles; University College London, United Kingdom.

2098: Transcranial Focused Ultrasound for NonInvasive Neuromodulation of the Visual Cortex by Fengxi Lu, Xuejun Qian, Runze Li, Johnny Castillo, Laiming Jiang, Haotian Lu, Kirk Shung, Mark Humayun, Biju Thomas, Qifa Zhou; University of Southern California, United States.

2158: Investigation of Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Attenuation with Multilayer Head Model by Xizi Song, Yufeng Ke, Jiande Guo, Dong Ming, and Xinrui Chen; Tianjin University, China.

2193: From Targeting to Simulation: Transducer Positioning and Localization for Focused Ultrasound Transcranial Applications by Michelle Sigona{1}, Marshal Anthony Phipps{1}, Jiro Kusunose{1}, and Charles Caskey{2}. {1} Vanderbilt University, United States; {2} Vanderbilt University/Vanderbilt University Medical Center, United States.

2195: Focused Ultrasound-Enhanced Delivery of Radiolabeled Agents to Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma by Dezhuang Ye{1}, Xiaohui Zhang{2}, Yimei Yue{1}, Lihua Yang{2}, Yuanchuan Tai{2}, Joshua B. Rubin{2}, Yongjian Liu{2}, and Hong Chen{1}; {1} Washington University in St. Louis, United States; {2} Washington University School of Medicine, United States.

2199: Sonogenetics for Noninvasive and Cellular- Level Neuromodulation in Rodent Brain by Yaoheng Yang{1}, Christopher Pham Pacia{1}, Dezhuang Ye{1}, Lifei Zhu{1}, Hongchae Baek{1}, Yimei Yue{1}, Jinyun Yuan{1}, Mark J Miller{1}, Jianmin Cui{1}, Joseph P Culver{1}, Michael R Bruchas{2}, and Hong Chen{1}. {1} Washington University in St. Louis, United States; {2} Washington University School of Medicine, United States.

2202: Circulating Tumor Cell Detection Using High-Intensity Ultrasound-Enhanced Biomarker Release by Pradyumna Kedarisetti, Robert Paproski, John Lewis, Frank Wuest, and Roger Zemp; University of Alberta, Canada.

2205: Noninvasive Targeted Delivery of Nucleic Acids to Brain Cancer Cells Using Focused Ultrasound and Cationic Nanoparticles by Yutong Guo{2}, Jinhwan Kim{2}, Anastasia Velalopoulou{4}, Midhun Ben Thomas{1}, Yongtae Kim{2}, Daniel Pomeranz Krummel{3}, Soma Sengupta{3}, Tobey MacDonald{1}, and Costas Arvanitis{2}. {1} Emory University, United States; {2} Georgia Institute of Technology, United States; {3} University of Cincinnati, United States; {4} University of Pennsylvania, United States.

2254: Efficient Simulation Algorithm Using Dynamic Mesh Segmentation for Pulsed Nonlinear Acoustic Propagation of Laser-Generated Focused Ultrasound by Min Gyu Joo, Pilgyu Sang, Kyu-Kwan Park, and Hyoung Won Baac; Sungkyunkwan University, Korea.

2257: Enlarging HIFU Ablations Created Using a Toroidal Transducer by Depositing the Energy at Distance from the Acoustic Axis with a Minimal Number of Elements by Marine Sanchez{1} and David Melodelima{2}. {1} INSERM U1032/LabTAU, France; {2} LabTAU, INSERM, Centre Léon Bérard, Université Lyon 1, Université de Lyon, France.

2265: Cavitation Dose Mapping for Prediction of Localized Drug Concentration in Brain Drug Delivery Using Focused Ultrasound by Sua Bae, Pilsu Kim, Sara Lee, and Tai-Kyong Song; Sogang University, Korea.

2308: Combined Transcranial Blood-Brain Barrier Opening, Targeting and Monitoring in Both Small and Large Animals in Vivo Using an Imaging Array by Robin Ji, Mark Burgess, and Elisa Konofagou; Columbia University, United States.

2319: Accuracy Assessment of Transcranial Power Cavitation Imaging for BBB Opening by Alec Batts and Elisa Konofagou; Columbia University, United States.

2328: Ultrasound-Stimulated Microbubbles Enhance the Potency and Durability of Anti-PD-L1 Checkpoint Blockade Therapy in an Orthotopic Breast Tumor Model by Sharshi Bulner{1}, William Cruz{1}, Alex Wright{1}, Robert Kerbel{1}, Kullervo Hynynen{2}, and David Goertz{2}. {1} Sunnybrook Research Institute, Canada; {2} Sunnybrook Research Institute/University of Toronto, Canada.

2381: Characterization of Ultrasound Neurostimulation in Mice by Tarik Iazourene{2}, Hanaa Malloul{2}, Edward Oujagir{2}, Jean-Michel Escoffre{2}, and Ayache Bouakaz{1}. {1} iBrain, Université de Tours, Inserm, France; {2} Université de Tours, Inserm, UMR 1253, iBrain, France.

2393: Mechanistic Investigation of Hyperthermia-Mediated Drug Delivery in Brain Tumors with Trans-Skull MRI-Guided FUS by Chulyong Kim{1}, Yutong Guo{1}, Anastasia Velalopoulou{5}, Johannes Leisen{2}, Anjan Motamarry{3}, Dieter Haemmerich{4}, and Costas Arvanitis{1}. {1} Georgia Institute of Technology, United States; {2} Georgia Institute of Technology, United States; {3} Massachusetts General Hospital, United States; {4} Medical University of South Carolina, United States; {5} University of Pennsylvania, United States.

2404: Catheter Tip Ultrasound-Mediated Nanodroplet to Microbubble Conversion for Intravascular Therapeutic Applications by Alex Wright{1}, Ross Williams{1}, Kullervo Hynynen{2}, and David Goertz{2}. {1} Sunnybrook Research Institute, Canada; {2} Sunnybrook Research Institute/University of Toronto, Canada.

2420: Targeted Blood Brain Barrier Opening by Focused Ultrasound with Polydispersed Microbubbles Improves Spatial Memory in Wild Type Mice at Long and Short-Term Time Points by Rebecca Noel, Maria Eleni Karakatsani, Maria Murillo, Alina Kline-Schoder, Robin Ji, Alec Batts, Antonios Pouliopoulos, and Elisa Konofagou; Columbia University, United States.

Did we miss your abstract? If so, please email and it will be added to this list. Thank you!