May 2016 Research Roundup


Research RoundupHow do changes in focused ultrasound frequency affect anatomic specificity and efficacy in neurostimulation? Researchers in the US and China both studied this question in mice. A group in France has performed an in vivo, beating heart feasibility study for using focused ultrasound to perform cardiac ablation. Chinese researchers found improved short-term survival in patients treated with focused ultrasound plus chemotherapy when compared with chemotherapy alone for patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer.

Frequency Dependence of Ultrasound Neurostimulation in the Mouse Brain by Kim Butts-Pauly’s group at Stanford University has been published in Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.

Improved Anatomical Specificity of Non-invasive Neuro-stimulation by High Frequency (5 MHz) Ultrasound by HR Zheng’s group in Shenzhen, China has been published in Scientific Reports.

Ultrasound-guided Transesophageal High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Cardiac Ablation in a Beating Heart: A Pilot Feasibility Study in Pigs by Cyril Lafon’s group in Lyon France has been published in Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy in Combination with Gemcitabine for Unresectable Pancreatic Carcinoma by Wei Lv et al. has been published in Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management.