Foundation Scholar Participates in Journal's "Tumor Talk" Webinar


On Tuesday, July 7, Francesco Prada, MD, neurosurgeon at Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Istutio Neurologico Carlo Besta and former Foundation scholar and Brain Program Director, took part in the Journal of Neuro-Oncology’s (JNO) “Tumor Talk” webinar.

The virtual event was held in partnership with Lenox Hill Hospital and was hosted by the Journal’s associate editor and Lenox Hill neurosurgeon, Randy D’Amico, MD. Nearly 900 people watched live across various channels.

Dr. Prada discussed his recent study of sonodynamic therapy that was published in JNO in June 2020. In the study, researchers from the University of Virginia, Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, and the Focused Ultrasound Foundation sought to investigate whether fluorescein (FL) could be activated by focused ultrasound to treat cerebral high-grade glioma, a deadly tumor. In a rat glioma model, the research team compared whether FL was effective for SDT under three different levels of acoustic energy deposition. Read our Coverage of the Study >

Prada’s co-researcher on the study, Jason Sheehan, MD, JNO’s editor-in-chief and a neurosurgeon at the University of Virginia, also participated in the webinar. Finally, Gautam Mehta, MD, JNO’s editorial board member and adjunct faculty at House Clinic, rounded out the impressive group.

“The panel was very excited about the presented data,” said Prada. “There was an overall consensus about the usefulness of sonodynamic therapy as an adjunctive tool to treat malignant gliomas.”

The JNO’s Tumor Talk webinar series highlights new studies in neuro-oncology and is part of a COVID-related program called “BRAINterns,” which develops online content for medical school students interested in neurology and neuro-oncology.

See the Webinar: “Fluorescein-Mediated Sonodynamic Therapy in a Rat Glioma Model” >

See all Tumor Talk Webinar Recordings >