The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) recently ran a feature on its telecast and web site about focused ultrasound surgery and the role of the FUS Foundation in accelerating the development and adoption of FUS technology.
Entitled “The Sonic Miracle,” the piece highlights the exciting current uses of the technology and some of the revolutionary possibilities the future holds.
Featured in the article are use of the InSightec ExAblate system by Dr. Suzanne LeBlange of University MRI in Boca Raton, the experiences of two patients being treated for uterine fibroids, and commentaries by Dr. Neal Kassell and Dr. Joy Polefrone of the FUS Foundation and Pat Robertson of CBN.
This feature represents significant media exposure for focused ultrasound. The CBN is broadcast in 95 percent of US viewing markets and is seen daily by about 1 million viewers. In addition, 650,000 people view CBN’s web site each month. The response of patients and clinicians to this feature has been overwhelming with scores calling and emailing for more information. The web site article and accompanying video can be seen on the CBN web site here