The Foundation recently worked with Bloomberg Businessweek reporter Noah Buhayar on the article, “Surgeons Cut a Giant Tumor Out of my Head. Is There a Better Way?,” where he recounts learning of focused ultrasound and the Foundation during his personal journey with a benign brain tumor.

Though not a candidate for focused ultrasound, Buhayar shares how close friend and Foundation supporter Ted Weschler introduced him to the technology and the “potential for a post-scalpel future in which high-frequency sound waves augment and advance treatments for more than 170 medical afflictions.” Weschler has called focused ultrasound “the best investment he’s ever made.”
The article includes Buhayar’s first-hand account observing an essential tremor patient being treated with focused ultrasound at the University of Virginia. He goes onto share exciting research exploring the technology’s role in sonodynamic therapy, immunotherapy, and blood-brain barrier opening.
Highlights are also included from interviews with Board member and best-selling author John Grisham, former FDA commissioner and Foundation Council member Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, focused ultrasound pioneer Dr. Kullervo Hynynen, and many others in the field.
Buhayar does a masterful job explaining the history and state of focused ultrasound, as well as the Foundation’s urgency in advancing the technology in the shortest time possible. We sincerely hope you’ll read and share this article widely.
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