July 2007: MRgFUS Brain Study and more...

Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation
In This Issue
MRgFUS Brain Study
New MRgFUS Textbook
Clinical Practice
Featured Papers
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This month the Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation is in the final stages of selecting the first recipients of its research and fellowship programs. We have been extremely gratified with the quality of the proposals for both programs and look forward to the fine and important work that will be generated through them.

The FUSF research program will provide funding, information and support to a global network of leading research professionals working in the MRgFUS field. The program, which will provide annual support in the range of $100,000-$200,000, will primarily fund preclinical research, small clinical trials and pilot studies and has three specific goals:
  • To develop new applications for focused ultrasound surgery
  • To increase the awareness of focused ultrasound surgery and techniques
  • To facilitate regulatory approval and reimbursement for focused ultrasound procedures
The FUSF Fellowship Program will offer one-year fellowships featuring up to $100,000 in support and training to a select number of professionals from the fields of Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Urology, Neurosurgery and Radiation Oncology. The program's goals include:
  • Training clinicians and investigators in clinical FUS treatment
  • Developing new applications for FUS
  • Creating FUS centers
  • Establishing the standards for training, competencies, certification and credentialing for FUS

Applications for the 2008-2009 FUSF Research and Fellowship Programs are being accepted immediately. For more information, visit http://www.fusfoundation.org.


FUSF Forms Steering Committee for the FUS in Brain Lesions Study
As part of its effort to extend the reach of MR guided focused ultrasound surgery throughout the world, the FUS Foundation is playing an important part in the efforts to seek more patients to a brain lesion clinical trial currently underway at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. 
The study is designed to:
  • Evaluate the safety of focused ultrasound delivered through the intact skull
  • To evaluate the effects of thermal ablation on malignant intraparenchymal tumors

The FUSF has brought together a cross-disciplinary committee of highly regarded Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Radiology specialists who will work together to refine the protocol design, assist in the recruitment of patients, and take part in the data analysis and publication of the results. The Foundation will supplement the committee's patient recruitment efforts by creating and executing an informational campaign directed at physicians along the East Coast. 

More information on the clinical trial can be found here, including the inclusion/exclusion criteria and contact information, or by calling Joanne O'Hara, study coordinator, at 1-617-732-6992 (johara1@partners.org). The study sponsors have offered to cover reasonable transportation costs.

The formation of the steering committee represents another important step toward the Foundation's overall goal of providing organization and logistical support for furthering the growth of MR guided focused ultrasound surgery adoption while serving as a valued resource for the entire MRgFUS community.

MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery Textbook Available for Pre-order

This September will see an important milestone in the MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery world with the the publication of the first textbook dedicated to the discipline. The book, edited by Ferenc Jolesz and Kullervo Hynynen, is currently available for pre-order. The book is the only available guide to describe the fundamental principles of this new technology as well as presenting a variety of current and future applications. It will help surgeons and specialists evaluate, analyze and utilize MRgFUS in an expanding array of areas including the treatment of cancer patients, the management of uterine fibroids and the noninvasive thermal coagulation of tumors. 

Thanks to a special arrangement with the publisher, we are pleased to provide you and all friends of the FUSF with a 20% discount on the purchase of the book . To order your copy, visit the publisher's website and use the following discount code: FDF86.

Clinical Practice
New CME course based around MRgFUS treatment protocol article
A paper published by Dr. Fiona Fennessy out of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston has been used as the foundation for a new CME course.

Exablate 2000 receives CE Mark for Relief of Pain due to Bone Metastases
Insightec announced that the EU has given CE Mark certification to the Exablate 2000, meaning the procedure is available for patient treatment in Europe for palliation of bone metastases.
Featured Papers
The blood brain barrier can exhibit more improved disruption and greater focal precision by injecting ultrasound contrast agents before sonication.
This study underscores the importance of coupling focused ultrasound surgery with advanced imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging.
Patient conceives and experiences normal placental embedding and full term development after receiving uterine fibroid treatment with MR guided focused ultrasound surgery.
We are always looking for new content so if you know of anything that we should be covering, please let us know at news@fusfoundation.org.
Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation | 230 Court Square, Suite 202 | Charlottesville | VA | 22902