The Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation (FUSF) has recently formed a Council, comprised of a leadership group of advisors and advocates for the Foundation. It works closely with the Chairman of the FUSF Board and the FUSF Board members.
The Council’s mission is, simply, to advise and assist the FUSF. Specific roles include offering counsel, serving as advocates, organizing cultivation events, and helping to advance the FUSF’s mission of raising funds and public awareness.
The Council is led by Co-Chairmen, Dorothy Batten, Charlottesville, and Charles H. Seilheimer, Jr.,Orange. Its members are a small and select group of supporters who have been identified and recruited by the FUSF Board and the Council Co-Chairmen. Council participants will receive periodic briefings and mailings, and will be invited to attend major conferences, special events and recognition opportunities, as well as select Board meetings.
The Council meets, as needed, on call of the Co-Chairmen.
The Founding Council is now being formed. Participants are Charter Members of the FUSF Council. The common bond is enthusiasm for the Foundation and its mission.
The founding members thus far are John B. Adams, Jr., The Plains; Jane P. Batten, Virginia Beach; Edgar M. Bronfman, Sr., New York; Thomas N. & Nancy J. Chewning, Richmond; Cecilia S. Howell, Fredericksburg; Paula F. Newcomb, Charlottesville; Mary Lou Seilheimer, Orange; Alice H. Siegel, Richmond. Back to Top |