On the Scene of the 2010 Brain Workshop - Day Two


Collaboration is a key aspect of Day 2 of the Brain Workshop. Several attendees comment that it is truly beneficial to have scientists and clinicians meeting together and discussing technical issues, both in small work group and in general sessions.

Presentations also underscore the value of collaboration. Several speakers present research that builds upon the work of other workshop participants. There is talk of having researchers and clinicians travel among various MR-guided focused ultrasound sites. This practice would promote cross-training and knowledge of different research projects and treatments under development.

Day two is marked by spirited discussion of several important technical issues, including the treatment envelope, remote effects, cavitation and various imaging concerns. Participants agree that progress in these areas is essential to developing clinical brain applications for focused ultrasound. Today’s discussions lead to the identification of several new research projects, which the Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation agrees to sponsor.

Stay tuned for the summary of the wrap up from the Brain Workshop and more information on upcoming projects.