Germany’s Amper Kliniken Surpasses 500-patient Mark in Treating Uterine Fibroids with Focused Ultlrasound


In a recent email, Matthias Matzko, MD, head of Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology at Amper Kliniken AG in Dachau, Germany wrote, “We are proud to announce that we passed the 500th treatment in total for uterine fibroid ablation with MRgFUS last week. With the new ExAblate ONE System, we already have the experience of more than 230 treatments with a significant higher rate of success with this new technology in comparison to the old system ExAblate 2000.”

The 450-bed center began performing focused ultrasound procedures for uterine fibroids in 2008 and opened expanded facilities in March 2010. Seven months later, it became one of the first sites in the world to install the new ExAblate ONE, the second generation system developed by GE Healthcare and InSightec.

Recognized internationally as a leading advocate for MR-guided focused ultrasound, Matzko has not only created the most successful and busiest focused ultrasound center in Europe, but also convinced leading insurers to provide reimbursement for the uterine fibroid treatments he performs. In the future, he plans to expand treatment offerings to include new applications of the technology.