On the Scene of the 2010 Brain Workshop - The Last Day


Today is closing day for the Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation’s 2010 Brain Workshop. In his wrap-up remarks, Foundation CEO Neal Kassell, MD, observes, “This workshop accomplished everything we set out to do.”

Achievements include:

• R&D roadmaps are complete for developing MR-guided focused ultrasound treatments for intra cerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and ischemic stroke; work is progressing on the roadmap for neuromodulation treatments.
• Technical projects have been discussed/developed for treatment envelopes, remote effects, skull base applications, focused ultrasound head coil, MR-based focusing, MR bone imaging.
• Preclinical studies in ICH and ischemic stroke are being planned at several institutions.
• Pilot clinical trials are being planned at several institutions for brain tumors and movement disorders/essential tremor.
• Clinical trial protocols and action plans have been developed for brain tumors and movement disorders; protocols and plans are under development for epilepsy.

Kassell notes, “We clearly have all the brain power needed to move this field forward. The collaboration and cooperation fostered at this meeting have already accelerated our progress.”

In coming days, we’ll be posting blogs with more detailed information about key developments that occurred during and since the 2010 Brain Workshop.