FUSF Brain Workshop: White Paper Available Online


Experts who gathered at the June Brain Workshop were successful in identifying major opportunities and challenges for expanding the area in the brain that can be treated with focused ultrasound. Event details, including issues discussed and long-term projects, were reported in our July newsletter.

The final report’s major findings include:

1. A validated simulation capability is needed to make effective progress toward an expanded treatment envelope for brain indications.

2. Simulation validation will require the support of additional detailed acoustic measurements at all clinical frequencies.

3. Volumetric thermometry measurements in phantoms will allow thermal safety and skull cooling times to be added to the concept of treatment envelope for brain indications.

4. The role of acoustic scattering versus absorption in the skull needs to be established with measurements.

Several promising research collaborations were developed during the two-day event. The White Paper that summarizes the meeting, including major outcomes and ideas, is now available on the Foundation website.