Workshop Participants Create Neuromodulation Roadmap, Set Sights on Clinical Use


A group of 24 researchers from 14 organizations met March 3-4 in Charlottesville to inventory the current state of the field, identify important applications, and chart a course for the first clinical use of FUS–induced neuromodulation. Participants represented academia, industry, government, and the Foundation.

Workshop Discussion 250

The workshop produced several important outcomes, including a White Paper that outlines a roadmap with timelines, milestones, and the responsibilities necessary to achieve first clinical use.

Additional outcomes from the workshop include the creation of:

  • A new research prize (see related story) to be given this year to the first individual or group to successfully demonstrate neuromodulation during a patient treatment
  • An Email list of neuromodulation investigators–Interested parties should contact Jessica Foley, PhD to join
  • Plans for the group to reconvene during the October FUS Symposium
  • A comprehensive list of potentially high impact clinical indications
  • A preliminary inventory of current research sites and investigators

The 15-page White Paper is an important summary of the workshop’s impact and should be shared freely in the research and clinical communities.